Vietnsm War- USCGC Blackhaw (WLB-390) hauls in a buoy in Qui Nhơn harbor Zippo Lighter
Blackhaw assisted the tanker Bulkfuel which was disabled due to a casualty to main-engine fuel pump. The two cutters escorted the tanker to Jacksonville, Florida. From 7-9 September 1952, Blackhaw searched for survivors from MV Foundation Star. Two months later, 19-20 November 1952, the cutter discovered and recovered wreck of an F8F-2 aircraft. On 29 October 1953, the crew assisted vessel T N. Gill off Charleston. On 1 August 1954, the cutter was transferred to the Pacific and homeported at Honolulu, Hawaii, until 1967. She was used for ATON throughout the Pacific including American Samoa , the Marshalls , the Marianas, the Carolines, and the Philippines. On 11 October 1954 the cutter helped medevac a sailor from USS Kearsarge off Honolulu.
- From June to August 1957
Blackhaw operated off Alaska on Special Arctic Operation, including ice breaking. From 9-14 November 1957, she searched for Pan American Flight 944 off Hawaii. On 24 December 1957 the ship assisted FV Hawaiian Fisherman off Kahului, Hawaii and later, on 15 October 1958, did likewise for FV Flying Fish Victor 3. Following a fire onboard MV Nicoline Maersk, Blackhaw responded and escorted the vessel to Honolulu, HI from 23-24 November 1958. On 18 July 1959 Blackhaw relieved USCGC Dexter of tow of FV Cloud Nine and proceeded to Hawaii.

- From 1965 to 1971
Blackhaw was stationed at Sangley Point, Philippines and used to service ATON. From March 1966 through May 1971 performed numerous tours in Vietnamese waters servicing ATON